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Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Goals for The Biggest Loser

For those who are just now joining us, go to the blog The Biggest Loser Competition and click on "comment".

Here are my goals for the next few weeks during this competition....

1. your goal weight

My goal weight is 120, which right now is about 15 pounds away. That is what I weighed before Moriah and the weight where I fit my jeans and pants. I really don't want to have to buy new clothes! you plan to achieve your goal

I am going to eat healthy and listen to my hunger cues. I am also going to do Shaklee's Cinch program. I have so many people ask me about it, and I would love to be able to tell them whether or not it really works. I LOVE the Cinch shakes and drank them as meal replacements to help me stay full at work while I was pregnant and nursing. And, because it has Leucine which is an essential amino acid that helps my body maintain lean muscle mass, I figure it is great all around! Plus, the protein is great and helps even out my hormones, which I can definitely benefit from during this time in my life!!!
I also plan on taking my vitamins everyday, which give me a ton of energy. I can't take them at night because they keep me up! And, that says alot because I don't get much sleep!!!
I am going to do something active everyday, even if that just means intentionally running around with Isaiah! thing you're going to start eating more of

Almonds, which have the GOOD fats that I need. Plus, many other great things which I will talk about in another blog.
I am giving up dairy to see if it helps Moriah's gassiness. thing you like about your body

I like my legs when I run. I like that they are atheltic legs, not twigs. I used to be twiggy and, at the time, I liked it, but not anymore.

5. your theme verse or saying for the next month and a half

Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This goes for all areas in my life- being a wife and mom, working my in-home business, teaching, being a pastor's wife, witnessing, exercising, everthing!!!


Tara said...

I am Tara Jelley and here are my goals:

1. My goal weight is 120 lbs, I am currently at 132. I have been exercising and dieting since August and my body has reluctantly shed 6 lbs. so far. 120 was a good weight for me before my 3 beautiful daughters came along!

2. I plan to achieve this goal by continuing my exercise and diet plan. I exercise at least 4 days a week for up to an hour. I recently joined a ladies' gym and really enjoy going there! I spend 30-40 min. on the treadmill fast walking and running, and do muscle toning exercises 15-20 min. I have had to drastically reduce the running because it is too stressful on my knees, but that is what I enjoy the most! My diet is smaller,low calorie, low fat meals and drinking tons of water.

3. One thing I have already started eating more of is fruits and veggies. In the past, I have not been a good fruit eater. I have always enjoyed vegetables. But I am making a good effort to grab an apple or banana when I need a snack, and what I've found is foods I wouldn't normally choose when I'm not dieting taste a lot better now that I'm hungrier! I'm also eating a lot of yogurt and high protein meats. Things I am eating less of is red meat and carbs. I have completely cut red meat out of my diet since August and I don't miss it at all.

4. One thing I like about my body: This one is hard for me. I have basically ignored my body for the last 5 years, hoping increasing flabbiness and weight gain would resolve itself. Of course that's not happening, so now that I'm more conscious of my body, I guess I am going to have to appreciate it. I am very thankful that despite 3 babies I don't have many stretch marks, and I almost have a flat tummy again! Does that sound funny? I'll work on that one!

5.My theme verse: I had to think about this one for a while, but it came to me yesterday. 1 Tim. 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. I know the Lord wants me to be healthy and take care of my body, but it is temporary; my eternal spirit must never cease to be strengthened for the sake of my eternity and the eternity of my children and loved ones.

Thanks Heather for having this site! I am thankful for the encouragement!

Tara said...

Time for a quick comment before I head for work:
I am feeling good now about how things are going, I think my body has finally received the clues that it is supposed to be changing. I can see a difference in how my clothes are fitting, which makes me very happy! I am enjoying my exercise times, Tuesday Richard and I rode bikes together while all the kids were at school, Monday and today I went to the gym. One thing that keeps me pumped is my little mp3 music player. I have downloaded my favorite Christian and praise and worship music and I love having it to listen to while exercising! Have a great evening, keep up the good work everyone!

HealthyMahma said...

Tara, Great work!! It sounds like you're doing everything right and it is paying off. Thanks for your post!

Piper said...

My goal weight 125 - I weighed 120 pound before I became pregnant with my second child, Parker. I got back down to 135 before I became pregnant with my 3rd child, Ailey. I am at 165 pounds now. (So that's 40 pounds that I need to shed.) I'm so very disappointed in my self for gaining so much weight again....

In addition to exercising and eating better, I'm going to try to find other ways to reduce my stress (than eating.)

I'm going to start eating more veggies and fruit.

I don't really like many things about my body. I guess, right now, I can say I'm happy that I don't have saggy boobs.

"Take every thing a day at a time."