This is a remarkable story from my friend, Rosanna...thought I'd share with my blogging friends! Thanks, Rosanna, for sharing!
I've always had headaches -- even as a child. At age 15, they became migraines and escalated
in severity and duration after I was involved in a car accident at age 19. From that point on my
migraines began lasting 24-72 hours and would hit every 3-5 weeks. At times, I got two or three migraines in a one-month period.
I went to every doctor; our family physician, eye doctors, OB/GYN, Neurologist, Osteopath,
& Massotherapist. It was first blamed on menstruation, PMS and heredity. Then, all the doctors
cancelled that theory and began blaming my car accident injuries, which I had years after the
migraines began. I was given all types of medication; Valium, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, prescription and non- prescription pain medications and Morphine at the hospital. Nothing worked! That's why in 1977 I stopped taking any and all medications. I gave drug lectures at the high schools as part of my job with the Police Department, and I knew what harm these drugs could do to your body. Yet, all the doctors wanted me on them. My physicians and specialists didn't know what else to do except advise me of a pain clinic in Michigan that would teach me to "live with the pain". I felt I HAD learned to live with it because I'd managed to live "around" my migraines and lead a normal life throughout it all.
In the meantime, over the years I truly did everything to rid myself of this pain and agony. I went to many doctors and specialists, had physical therapy and even took Yoga classes and Biofeedback for breathing and relaxation techniques. I can't tell you how much money my parents and I spent over the years.
When I got a migraine, I'd know 6-8 hours in advance. I was never able to prevent it. It would
begin as a headache across the eyes and forehead, then travel to my temple area and top of my
head. Once the pain reached the base of my neck, there was no stopping it! I was forced to lie
down, immediately, in a totally darkened room with no noises or movement. You cannot walk,
let alone drive a car during one of these migraines.
A phone ringing would kill me with pain! I'd have nausea and dry heaves, along with vomiting if I merely lifted my head off the pillow. My pain was severe and debilitating! It never subsided in intensity, but remained the same level throughout the duration. Some migraine sufferers say theirs subsides in cycles. One never lasted less than 24 hrs. for me and usually lasted 72 hrs.
My two pregnancies gave my husband Dan, and me, an idea that my migraines might be an
imbalance in my system with some hope for the future. During both pregnancies, and while
nursing our daughters, I never got a migraine. We couldn't believe it! Relatives and close friends
were amazed. And we felt we had hit on something important.
So, we ran back to my OB/GYN who delivered our girls, my OB/ GYN who treated my
migraines since I was 16 yrs. old, and my family physician. And to our amazement, they merely
agreed this meant it was hormone related and they could treat me with a medication used for
endometriosis. But, neither one recommended it because it could cause sterility and we wanted
more children. Each one made this diagnosis sitting behind a desk.
My cousin was helped with Shaklee Supplements for Epstein Bar Syndrome (also known as
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and she pressured me constantly to try them. As a favor, we went to
a nutrition talk at her home - reluctantly. But, it proved my saving grace. Many things said during the nutrition sounded like questions we'd brought to the attention of my physicians.
It all made sense, but I didn't immediately run to get Shaklee because it sounded too simple of a
solution, after years of tests, therapy, medications and doctors. I believed they helped my cousin, but felt migraines were a world apart from what she had. Two weeks after that nutrition, I experienced a 72 hr. migraine and my husband set up an appointment to discuss a supplement
Dan was extremely supportive of me when I began the program. He even began taking the
supplements so we would have a buddy system. After all, we'd get our money back in 30 days if
we didn't feel better. Plus, they were just foods -- not drugs. About 7-8 days after I started the
program, I got a migraine. It lasted two and one-half hours and I'm still waiting for it to return. I
had a few in the first two months which felt as if they were on their way, but I was able to get rid of that dull, mild, headache feeling by taking extra supplements. With time, it got easier and
easier to "ward off" the migraine before it hit.
All I have done differently is take Shaklee Food Supplements. It's wonderful and I can't find
words to describe the joy and relief I feel each passing day. I feel like a walking miracle!
I began by taking the following supplements and followed Dr. Klinkhammer's Health and
Harmony Program.
I've altered my initial program accordingly over the years.
I want everyone to know there may be hope for them. This is NOT a cure, and I'm not saying
you will rid all migraines in 90 days. It's taken longer for some. But, you deserve to know if it
will work for you. If you get the same results I've gotten, you will be thankful for the rest of your
Love, Rosanna Montecalvo
Monday, October 5, 2009
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1 comment:
I like your blog.
Here's another way to cure migraines:
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